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APRIL 18-21, 2017
Hoam Faculty House @ Seoul National University
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Welcome to IEEE Pacific Visualization 2017!

Pacific vis logo

The 10th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2017) will be held at Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea during April 18 to 21, 2017. As part of PacificVis, workshop/tutorial sessions will be held on April 18, with the Symposium starting from April 19.

Visualization has become an increasingly important research area due to its wide range of applications in many disciplines. PacificVis is an IEEE sponsored international visualization symposium held in the Asia-Pacific region, with the objective to foster greater exchange between visualization researchers and practitioners, and to draw more researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to enter this rapidly growing area of research. Previous PacificVis symposia were held in Kyoto (2008), Beijing (2009), Taipei (2010), Hong Kong (2011), Songdo (2012), Sydney (2013), Yokohama (2014), Zhejiang (2015), and Taipei (2016), and all sponsored by IEEE VGTC.

General Conference Chairs
  • 1 thumb 1978157782241ab6ebe9db85451504b72b5185ef
    Jinwook Seo
    Seoul National University
  • 2 thumb 3eb141670067d29c100ed41115c7d9ba02495a66
    Bongshin Lee
    Microsoft Research