APRIL 18-21, 2017
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Call for Visualization Notes

PacificVis 2017 features a short paper track, called "Visualization Notes". The purpose of this track is to encourage young researchers to present their work and discuss with participants including senior researchers there. The submissions can be late-breaking results and work in progress, while they should be novel enough to attract interest from the visualization community.

Short paper submissions for the "Visualization Notes" can be up to a maximum of five (5) pages in length, with the caveat that an optional fifth page can only contain references. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed through a single-stage process by the international program committee. The suggested topics for the "Visualization Notes" are the same as those for full papers, while the ideas there can be relatively small as compared with those for full papers. Nonetheless, the "Visualization Notes" are still expected to contain technically interesting results in theories and/or applications. Please note that all submissions must be original and thus have not been published elsewhere. Accepted short papers will be included in the conference proceedings and in IEEE digital library.

Important Dates
Visualization notes submission deadline Dec. 13, 2016, 11:59pm (PST)
Visualization notes notification Jan. 20, 2017
Camera ready visualization notes due Feb. 1, 2017

Original unpublished short paper submissions of up to 4 pages (two-column, single-spaced, 9 point font, including figures and tables) without references or 5 pages including references are invited. Manuscripts must be written in English, and follow the formatting guidelines. Reviewing will be double blind, so please remove all author and affiliation information from submissions and supplemental files. Please substitute your paper's ID number for the author name. Papers should be submitted electronically in Adobe PDF format. Please provide supplemental videos in QuickTime MPEG-4 or DivX version 5, and use TIFF, JPEG, or PNG for supplemental images.


For questions regarding Visualization Notes, please do not hesitate to contact the chairs directly via

Visualization Notes Chairs:

Yun Jang, Sejong University, Korea
Naohisa Sakamoto, Kobe University, Japan

Visualization Notes Committee:

    Rita Borgo
    Swansea University
    Matthew Brehmer
    Microsoft Research
    Junghoon Chae
    Purdue University
    Guoning Chen
    University of Houston
    Hanqi Guo
    Argonne National Laboratory
    Masahiko Ito
    University of Tokyo
    Sungahn Ko
    Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
    Stephen Kobourov
    University of Arizona
    Koji Koyamada
    Kyoto University
    Michael Krone
    University of Stuttgart
    Bum Chul Kwon
    IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    Teng-Yok Lee
    Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
    Chun-Cheng Lin
    National Chiao Tung University
    Ross Maciejewski
    Arizona State University
    Luana Micallef
    Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
    Shin-ichiro Mori
    University of Fukui
    Chris Muelder
    University of California, Davis
    Quang Nguyen
    Western Sydney University
    Martin Nollenburg
    TU Wien
    Yosuke Onoue
    Kyoto University
    Filip Sadlo
    University of Stuttgart
    Falk Schreiber
    Monash University
    Conglei Shi
    IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    Chaoli Wang
    University of Notre Dame
    Yu-Shuen Wang
    National Chiao Tung University
    Krist Wongsuphasawat
    Hsiang-Yun Wu
    Keio University
    Panpan Xu
    Bosch Research
    Hsu-Chun Yen
    National Taiwan University
    Hongfeng Yu
    University of Nebraska–Lincoln
    Ying Zhao
    Central South University